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5/26/2003 04:29:00 PM |
For me, programming languages fit in 3 categories. First category of languages are chosen by yourself because it's a joy to program in it.. *cough* Python *cough*. Second category of languages have a reputation for being extremely efficient, and, let's face it, even with moore's law, efficiency will continue to matter in certain contexts. So you really don't have much choice but to choose one... *cough* C *cough*. Now, the third category of languages basically chooses you cuz it's the "HOT" language of the time. The industry WANTS you to know it, and everyone is talking about it all the time. For many, that language is Java. I've dodged many opportunities to really dig into Java. I've used it for a couple of years back when version 1.2 was out. Then I didn't want to go back. Why? Cuz I don't find it fun to write in it... I take joy in crunching out highly optimized C code, and I also take joy in writing architecturally correct python code that's been beautifully refactored so that it's re-usable, easy to use and easy to understand. Java? That kinda sits in between and doesn't appeal to me very much. Write once, run everywhere? That's kinda cool, but not terribly important for me, since the types of applications that I wrote that required cross-platform capabilities didn't require blazing speed. So I could just use python and be done with it. :P Well, where am I going with this? Ah... yes... The new site is done completely in C#. Yup, the devil's language. Mostly because this site runs on a IIS server box and VB.NET just gives me the shivers (Don't even get me started on managed C++, I have enough hatred towards ANSI C++), and because I had already given Java a chance. Do I like C#? It's the exact same feeling I had with Java, but something tells me C# has somethnig that Java doesn't have... *cough* Microsoft *cough* (man, I'm coughing a lot today, eh?). Well, we'll see... So the new version of my homepage code-named "L.M.N.T (Look ma, no tables)" is 85% complete with a new rendering engine, a new ment-O-matic distribution for the ASP.NET platform, total separation of content, presentation (also split layout and styling) and logic, more attention to ease of navigation, and of course there are NO tables. :D It took me about 3 full days of hacking, and I just have a few more templates to write. Phew~ I'm gonna take a break now, and I'll finish up the site next weekend and we can talk about the architecture then. |
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