I was reading up on an old article about "Objective-C vs. C++" after continually being amazed by the number of quirks and features that were available for C++. Ya know.. I thought I knew C++. Hell, the first programming language that I learned when I got to college was C++. Yeah, for me "new" and "delete" came before "malloc" and "free".

I'm sure all the feature-set of C++ are useful and were well-intended, but it's just a little too much to swallow. Moreover, straight C just looks very simple and clean. I do, however, like the OOP capabilities of C++... Sure, there's JAVA... but Java, for some reason, just doesn't give me a good vibe ( no flames, plz ). Funny how Anu brought Objective-C up today while talking about his new iMac and the MacOS X... Despite, the somewhat peculiar syntax that smalltalk embedded C code results in, I just might give this language some serious consideration. =)

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