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6/30/2003 08:16:00 PM |
I found some info on how ZeroConf (Apple likes to call it Randezvous) works and how you can incorporate its technology into your own applications. I wonder how hard it would be to create a networked multiplayer game using this technology... This should pretty much put an end to all the IPX LAN-based network play that windows gamers are used to and extend it beyond the LAN. Hmmm... Smells like something project Eggland could use... Oh, and we published a book written by one of our colleagues, Steve Little, who is no longer with us. I almost never volunteer to deal with clients and all that relationship manager stuff, but for those of you who are interested in that sort of thing, this should be a really good book to add to your collection since Steve was an excellent relationship and project manager. He's the best project manager I've ever had. :) |
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