I will be dropping support for all non standards compliant browsers come mid summer once I get done with the new rendering architecture for this site. I will make sure the site looks consistent under Gecko-based browsers such as Netscape 6.x+ , Mozilla 1.0+, Camino as well as Microsoft's IE 6.x+ and finally Apple's nimble Safari. Sorry for being such an ass. :P

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there’s a reason why it’s called "BETA" ;)

also, one of the major issues with the web is that there are gazillion sites with custom made scripts that allows them to function correctly on just certain browsers.. and they depend on their quirks... *SIGH* So to all those customized sites I say "screw you! get with the standards, dammit!" (606)

dJsLiM - 4/21/2003 5:02:00 AM [ ]

safari’s pretty good, but i’ve been having some trouble with sites that have javascripts. not all of them, just once in a while. any reasons why? (604)

tomo - 4/21/2003 4:21:00 AM [ ]

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