Just some random thougts on software engineering blazed through my head while I was reflecting on Brooks' talk... I guess it's all cuz I'm trying to understand just how design should be done... It's a great feeling to design something and to vision its greatness... but I always end up changing many of the design later on as the design matures with the implementation... Maybe I'm just trying to find the answer to an unanswerable Q? As Brooks puts it, are we never sure of the design goal or the design tree when we begin? Do we have to accept that fact and somehow fuse the idea of being very very flexible in our software development process and have a constantly evolving overarching design philosophy that guides it? That reminds me of an idea I exchanged with my professor yesterday... I was basically suggesting extending eXtreme programming to do eXtreme designing... For the sake of clearning out my own head, I should just try and write a paper on that subject.... So many uncertainties... |