12/20/2003 04:29:00 PM |
As you can see in my previous post shining in its oh-so-sappy-glory, this season called "Christmas" always gets to me. I'm sitting here spending time alone... away from everything and everyone. Just me and the anticipation of leaving the comfort of my home sweet home and venturing into a foreign country I have never really been to. I can track back at a post I made around this time last year and relate straight back to the emotions felt then. I guess I always ask myself this question and can never really answer it with any authority. "Seung Chan, why are you here? You know you could be with your friends back home. You could be with your family having a cozy get-together and a nice warm dinner cooked by chef-mom the almighty. Why did you have to choose to leave your country, leave your family and put yourself out on a foreign land so far far away from them?" The not-so-authoritative answer is always "I think in order for me to satisfy one of the three elements of happiness as defined by myself I need to be in an environment where I can fully realize my potential and utlize all the skills I have down to the last drop, and as of this moment U.S. and the job I have is what I believe to be that environment." Why is it not so authoritative? Cuz I can't help but wonder why I've been getting this feeling of emptiness for the past couple of years right around this time. Is it a hint that I'm really sacrificing the wrong things for the sake of gaining an insiginificant reward or am I just being mislead by the holidays into this weird emotional state? Or is it something else entirely? Whatever the reason maybe, I just want to take this time and once again say to all my beloved friends and family how much I miss them and that my unconditional love for them will never die out. I think when people are leading the so-called "busy" life running and running towards a goal, we can forget to stop once in a while and look back at the path we've taken and also look around to make sure we're still on the same track we were in when we started. Pause is good, and today I got that pause... for that I am very grateful. As I always say... Life is always wonderful, you just need to open your eyes a little wider on certain days. Merry Christmas everyone!!! |
Bryan! Looking forward to cooking up a storm next semester, man! You have a wonderful holiday!
(736) dJsLiM - 12/22/2003 7:05:06 AM [ ]
happy holidays to ya too Slim, catch ya next semester
(735) Sticky - 12/21/2003 6:35:56 PM [ ] |