Jimmy and I @ LG2K2 Here's a pix of Jimmy and I in the dressing room trying to show off our attitudes during Lunar Gala 2002. Heh heh.. Funny pix, had to post it up. :)

I've been catching up on stuff pretty well; project at work is well underway, our first project for eXtreme Programming is coming to its final 2 weeks of intense sessions, and I'm all caught to my MacroEcon class. I've even finished reading half of one of the Sci-Fi novels we're assigned. And yes I did get started on the other 5 text books. But most importantly, I had a pretty good juggling session last night so I think I'm onto sum sum sumthin' !!! If all goes well, I should be all caught up if not pretty close by next Monday!!! phew~~~ guys, if you can avoid living my life style... avoid it at all cost!!! ;)

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kewl hair dude
wish i could do that here

paul - 2/20/2002 12:51:00 AM [ ]

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