Good lord... this is just wrong... How ridiculous to have 911 with this kinda attitude. I know for a fact that cops roaming around shadyside are only looking to score another car running a red light or speeding 5 miles above speed limit on a 25 miles zone...... sheesh... How pathetic is this??? Pittsburgh are you listening??? -.-;;;

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오빠 와썹? 어떻게 지내나 궁금해서 들려봤엉. 안냥 (649)

Gracie - 6/14/2003 2:11:23 PM [ ]

What's retarded is the way 911 is run... Did you read one of the links provided on that journal entry? Apparently 911 operators flip through a huge book of maps to try and find locations... Now that's being retarded in the 21st century... Get them a friggin internet connection and a web browser that can load (647)

dJsLiM - 6/10/2003 3:13:28 PM [ ]

yea, that is quite disturbing... but it's not really 911, or the police's fault that the operator is mentally retarded in the face. (646)

Rimo - 6/10/2003 1:59:29 PM [ ]

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