In case you haven' noticed, you're experiencing the newly revamped dJsLiM.COM. Yes, the visual design didn't change very much... From the visual design perspective it's not a full new release, but more like a mid-life cycle tweak, if you know what I mean. Believe it or not it took me 2 weekends to complete this new version, and there's a lot going on in the backend than you'd think ( or care, for that matter ). Hopefully all it means to you is faster loading pages, easier navigation and perhaps a better read. :) If you really care to know about what has changed, then head on over here for the entry dedicated on the changes made to this site. Enjoy!

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looks pretty sweet man. the page loads much quicker than previously. i had some problems when i tried refreshing a couple times in safari, but whatever, safari is still in beta anyway. (642)

Rimo - 6/1/2003 11:53:09 PM [ ]

yup, looks like commenting works... (640)

dJsLiM - 6/1/2003 7:57:48 PM [ ]

I need to try here, too... make sure commenting works. ;) (639)

dJsLiM - 6/1/2003 7:57:02 PM [ ]

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