Happy Birthday Pam! :) Sorry couldn't make it to your party... My wrist needs major rest, and driving around def. isn't good... :( I hope Sam's surprise attempt was successful. keh heh. You know who to call if he doesn't treat you right! :) Speaking of birthday... I think you're old enough to get married now. Pu ha ha ha! :)

Speaking of driving, all that driving I did on my way to Delaware and back has made my wrist situation worse... so I've been working from home for the past couple of days with my left wrist all wrapped up.. Hope it will heal up before next week... Apart from my injured wrist, my time in Delware was well worth it! Seeing Young-Ha after 17 years felt... pretty much the same. heh heh. No drama involved here, just good ol' catching up. We just instantly caught up with each other and it was as if we had just seen each other recently. Though I was only there for two days we had some good time drinking, touring the campus, and just talking. She's going back to Seoul on the 19th to finish up her semester there as well. So she gets to graduate twice! Young-Ha! Good luck in everything and if our paths cross again I'll buy you Pizza WITH toppings. :)

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