Last night in class we were discussing organizational behavior and some of the characteristics of the events that occur within: namely stress, conflict, teamwork, and power struggle. Out of all those things, stress was the most grim one to discuss...

It's true that we as people choose to be stressed out. However, ironically we really don't have a choice but to choose to stress out. If you're a college student stressing out over your GPA, then you've made a conscious decision that you want good GPA and that in turn is driving your stress upwards. However, getting bad GPA isn't really a choice per se.... Same thing with stress in the workplace. You have made a conscious choice that you'd like to perform well and be recognized in the workplace, and that in turn drives up your stress. However, the fear of losing a job and becoming an unemployed nobody (from a capitalistic society perspective, that is) by not performing well isn't exactly a choice, either... I guess it can be kinda grim, but I think the bottom line is that you stress about things you care about... Moreover, it's pretty much all for yourself (alluding to the notion that there is no true altruism). That actually works as a positive feedback to myself that those things that stress me out are things I truly value in my life...

Bring on the stress! Life IS beautiful.

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