Alright, so from now on I'm going to try and wake up around 7AM, get to work around 8:00 AM... I figure that time is just as quiet as staying there till 8PM or so... I just hope I'll be productive. I went to workout last night... FINALLY.. get my ass back in to gear... One of my good friend JP is coming back... Maybe I'll work out with him... I'm going to utilize every single minute I have everyday from now on the right way. Wish me luck!

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a little update... =)

I wake up around 8:30 AM, get to work around 10:00 AM, go to class by 6:00 PM MTW, then workout from 9:00 - 10:30 PM... on WTFSaSu I get out of work around 7:30 PM and work out from 8:00 - 9:30 PM... That’s a lot better than what it was like before. ;) (305)

dJsLiM - 8/29/2001 3:43:00 PM [ ]

pretty good. ;) (301)

dJsLiM - 8/12/2001 3:00:00 PM [ ]

its been 5 days... how’s this utilization of every single minute gone so far? (300)

onedumbguy - 8/11/2001 5:46:00 AM [ ]

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