Darren sent me the goods!!! I got all episodes of Intial D from Jersey. DAMN! The level of addictiveness comes close to Slam Dunk ( Slam Dunk is still better, though ). I've been basically glued to my seat watching this thing until 5AM last night... er... this morning... Just woke up a couple hours ago, and started watching the rest.... ^0^. Thanks Darren!

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hehe heh... oh! Darren did you get GT advance for your GBA? A co-worker brought it in and I was playing it at work up until now... ;) (290)

dJsLiM - 6/27/2001 2:49:00 PM [ ]

TOMO IS GAY... hehehe
My friends were desperate and just bought the 3rd Stage which is actually different from the extra stage afterall in Chinatown. It was in Chinese, and they told me it finished on a cliffhanger. Expected... (289)

dc - 6/27/2001 11:29:00 AM [ ]

haha.. yah i was exactly like that too... i think i saw pretty much all of the first 2 series in about 2 or 3 days... (288)

Tomo - 6/27/2001 3:15:00 AM [ ]

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