I think it was when I turned... er.... twenty... six? Yeah, sumpin' like dat... Yeah, *nod* *nod* should be pretty close. Maybe a lil ealier... So yeah, I think it was around then when my parents started to age in reverse. Yeah, reverse, ya know... the time when the child becomes the parent and have to start making sure that their parents are eating the right things, getting their excercises, etc... ya know... I thought this only happens in the movies, but ish actually happens, man... ohhhh yeah... it sure does.

So today as I was shopping for stuff to take back home, I checked up on dad to see if he has finished taking all the vitamins I had gotten for him this past summer. His adorable response was something like... "Well, I take it once in a while."... Uhmm... Dad, they're vitamins, not cold medicine... -.-; Then his excuse was somthing along the lines of how overdosing on vitamins can be bad. Well, no shit... What medicine is good when you overdose on'em??? My dad clearly thinks he's superman...

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Sorry, man... dunno anybody thats fits the description. =( I'll keep an eye out, tho! (910)

dJsLiM - 1/9/2006 8:41:30 PM [ ]

yo by the way, you know of some nicely eligible bachelors in his mid to late 30's preferrably in Shitzburgh area? My aunt in law is single and lonely. She's 73 (year born of course) and needs some manly attention otherwise my entire chu-gat-jib's going to stress her out to death.
She lives near Pitt and goes to Central church.

Help out a poor soul bro. (908)

Changwoo - 1/6/2006 5:32:07 PM [ ]

yeah sometimes you just have to tied them down on a chair and force-feed those pills... it's for their own good.. (905)

Changwoo - 1/6/2006 5:14:28 PM [ ]

hmm, as my dad also seems to think he's Superman somehow. Is it a case of some sort of disease amongst older men to think they're invincible..?

On that note, I decided to leave you a msg last night 'cause I was unsure if you took your annual trip over to Beijing =) regardless, Happy New Year bro.

Caro - 1/2/2006 3:31:44 AM [ ]

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