Man... if there's one thing that I simply MUST do on any given day, that's eating. Not purely for survival, but my brain is telling me that I'm hungry and constantly foreshadows what a great feeling it would be to eat! Why do I love to eat so much? Why does food give me so much pleasure?? Cannot believe how much I look forward to the next meal... It's almost too funny realizing that I'm asking myself "Hmm... didn't I just eat? Why do I want to eat again?". ^^; Man, life without eating... what would that be like???? Can't wait until I lay some major chow down action and make that turkey my bitch at this year's thanks giving joint! *ROAR* (hmm... whatever)

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life without eating would probably = a modeling career ...

As always, thankful for a brother like you on this Thanksgiving!! (mushy mushy. Yea I know i'm sick) (894)

caro - 11/14/2005 1:55:19 AM [ ]

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