Life sucks. Well, everybody says that from time to time. Of course it really doesn't suck. It could suck, but in the grand scheme of things it might not actually reeeeally suck, if you catch my drift. Of course, nobody I know thinks like this. Well, they may think like this, but they usually don't react accordingly. What I'm trying to say is that most people I've come across including yours truly think in absolute terms, not relative. Meaning... Let's say I had just bumped my knee on a table and it hurts, and you stood there and told me that it's nothing compared to giving birth to a baby. Would I be like "Ohhhh!!! True! True!" and stop compaining about my pain? or would I curse incessantly and vow to remove you from my buddy list? =P

Well, so what gives me the audacity to claim that my life sucks? Well, the total amount of money I've spent in the last month on tickets totals close to $270. CMU parking has been a bitch.... That's a shitload of money, man.... I don't think I'll be getting anything for myself this Christmas... *SIGH* Pu heh! My life sucks, err.... rocks! Whatever...

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eh, besides the point, but I always got a nice gift in mind for you for Christmas.

yeah, i got a parking ticket today too .. the one day i couldn't get away with putting less money in the meter. Oh well! (892)

caro - 11/12/2005 1:06:04 AM [ ]

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