Deja Vous! I'm back at Penn only this time I get to see Sun graduate from Penn Law. I drove over and it only took about 4hours and 50 minutes or so. That's counting the time it took me to stop for gas and have lunch, so it's not bad at all. Been trying to go around to get some good food into my system and to take lots of pictures. ^^ Congrats to all those gruaduating! Hope you get to pursue your passion and be happy with your life outside of college. =)

Oh, and I meant to publish bunch of the entries I have half-written over the past couple of weeks before I got here, but I fell asleep cold on my bed trying to solve a problem related to asynchoronous message queing and handling ( pu ha ha ha, I'm sure you care ). At any rate, so I guess I'll finish those entries up next weekend. :) Lots of stuff to get done before I leave for home on the 3rd of June! :) Ah... I need a break bad~~~ =D

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Hey Tomo, congrats! What you doing in Pittsburgh? (777)

dJsLiM - 5/26/2004 12:12:14 PM [ ]

i graduated too, suckas!!!! haha... i'll still be in pittsburgh though... heh. (776)

tomo - 5/26/2004 3:12:00 AM [ ]

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