I won't even attempt to seriously blog while I'm travelling, but just wanted to let everyone know that I am alive! I don't know where I can find internet cafes around here, and finally having experienced the exorbitent cost associated with just about everything around here I doubt I'm gonna spend money checking e-mail. Right now I'm at Omotesando and happened to be checking out the Avex building and guess what? They have free internet! I probably won't be back here until Sunday so if I find more free internet access elsewhere I'll update y'all again. So far I'm loving the live atmosphere and I can't shake the striking resemblance to Seoul... rather uncanny if you ask me... If I ignored the abundant Skyline GT-R's on the street I can easily pretend that I'm back home... Anyway, gotta get going. Next stop, "Killer Street"! Jia ne!

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