I've crossed the line... The line of being 25... The ripe age of being in the mid 20s... onto the late 20s... What has changed? Hmm.... let's seeee... Well, they have a different dropdown option for people in the 26-30 age group, so I guess I'll be using that from now on until I turn 31. :P Other than that, it's just another day, another dollar~ Thanks to cubbie for the wonderful home baked cake! Oh, and it looks like Bora prepared a b-day surprise for me as well.... ANOTHER FRIGGIN MIL!!!! ARRRRRGHHHH!!!

UPDATE: When I say I've crossed the line of being 25, I mean I'm 26.... *DUH* !!!! :P

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i'm sorry .. i'm late!!!!
but happy happy birthday =D (i'm such a bad sister...) =P
will cya soon with two belated gifts... long-awaited Christmas 2002 (HAHAHAHA) and something for the birthday boy~ cool? (690)

caro - 8/21/2003 4:02:42 PM [ ]

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