Alright call me a friggin geek... So I'm at work until 4 in the morning finishing up a chunk of my project so that I can concentrate on getting all my readings done over the weekend at home... and I had about 40 minutes to spare until my next bus ride back home... guess what I did... I wrote a lil script that goes through the andrew users and looks for users based on CrushLink's hints... I did spend an hour and a half tuning it to support bunch of flags when I got back home... (which reminds me that I should go to sleep!!) At any rate, the hints I got so far are:
  1. The user name is 6 characters long.
  2. The user name has the domain
  3. The first name has 6 characters.
  4. The last name has 5 characters.
  5. The first name starts with a character between K and O.
  6. One letter in the first name is also in the last name
What I did was too geeky to put up here, so I moved the details to my Geeky side... Peep this entry.

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