I archived all the Lunar Gala 2003 materials on my hard drive to a CD-ROM. This year's archive spanned about 6 GBS worth of working material. After filtering out all the materials that were only used in the early iterations, the archive was trimmed down to 2.3GB and they were burned to 4 CD-ROMs.. Hopefully the DVD will be out sometime soon so I can post our video clip up along with the audio.

Well, so I didn't just archive stuff today... I managed to clean my room and rewire all my setup to be routed to my new main mixer. Things are all connected just the way I want! ^^ I would still like to be able to route my PC's sound card to the mixer and get a splitter to pipe the sound coming out of the switch box to the mixer as well, but in order to do that I need a new sound card that has multiple in/outputs... So that's kinda of on the backburner for now. I'm just glad my home studio is back to full-production mode after a long hiatus. ;)

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OOOoooooOOoo.... look’n good
now all you need to do is soundproof ALL your walls. (591)

tomo - 3/22/2003 2:35:00 AM [ ]

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