My room is a mess right now. It's in the midst of a "remodelling" job... Well, not really remodelling, more like rearranging... ^^;; I've just moved some furniture along with various musical gears around to accomodate easier song writing. To make it easier for me to pick up my guitar and start trying stuff out I moved my amplifier to a place where I can easily turn it on and off, and in order to make mastering jobs more natural I moved my main mixer to a place where I had enough room for my monitoring speakers (which will be arriving soon) to stand on each side. I also made a separate keyboard station which will allow me to mix or jam with a keyboard player much easier. I still have a load of crap to clean up cuz I put all these shit on the floor. When it's done it should be rather refreshing. :) Just trying random crap to in the hopes that it will somehow help me get inspired... -.-;;

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