Wow.. this was our entire crew for this past Lunar Gala performance. Big enuf, ya think? :) The guys in red are a group of poppers who calls themselves Boogie Monsters, and the punk kids with attitude top left are bboys who want to be referred as the Fantastic Floor. Then of course we had two dope free styler teams: Solid, in baby blue, and e l i X i r, girls in baseball jersies. I'm still patiently awaiting the video of our performance to come out... :) We really came a long way this year with such a big group. Props to Sam, my good hoobae, for organinzing the entire madness and pulling it off. Props go out also to the choreographers of each group for their endless effort, and of course everyone for their awesome performance.

Peep Tomo's image page for more pictures of us.

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