Met with Jim and Steve for dinner to play catch-up and to just have some good convo. One of the topic was my frusturation with not wanting to play the role of the "motivator" anymore. I've played that role for long enough, I think. Maybe I'm just not around people whom I have good chemistry with, or maybe I'm just sick and tired of it... I probably just need to take a break from that role and come back to it at a later date... At any rate, the bottom line is that I really don't feel like playing that role at the moment. The problem is that I'm sort of forced to play that role when I'm working with other people who are seemingly less motivated and responsible. But I'm I'm kind of in self-denial at the moment. I know I need to play the role, but I really don't want to. So I'm all angsty and frustrated... *SIGH* It's quite possible that I actually don't exactly know why I'm in denial, but the truth is that I am, so things aren't as smooth as I'd want them to be. I just wish people I interact with were ALL responsible and self-motivated. *whine* *gripe* *pout* Treat me gently, please.... :P

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*patpat* there there there my bro...

go off to Japan and be a rowdy happy young'n.. k? (732)

Caro - 12/18/2003 4:21:35 PM [ ]

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