Guys if you're craving some K-Hip Hop (track selection is all over the map, really), check out this streaming playlist on Say Cast. It's my current radio station of choice at work. ;) The link is provided to you courtesy of Sangjin, one of the old dog Korean Computer Science graduates from CMU whom I may not have been able to reach if it weren't for Friendster. ;)

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I think one of the hardest things to master (if it makes sense to master such a thig) in life is relationship. All kinds of relationship issues come up in various contexts. It's kinda sad, but true. Even in the fine arts it's unavoidable... Unless you reach the very top and opt to only give orders to your "people" and are willing to survive on your own that is... Ok, that's a bit too grim... Lemme show you the brighter side...

When talented individuals get together in one place and actually work together on a truly collaborative material, the result is simply... astonishing. I have again and again felt this come true in real life. It's extremely addictive to see talented people complementing each other's skills and producing somethig no one person in the team could have achieved alone. Now back to the grim side. In order to produce that astonishing result, everyone in the team need to deal with everyone else. If you think it's all gonna be fun and games, then you're dead wrong. Everybody has thier talent, and everyone has their own style, opinion, etc... The more talented they are and less collabroation experience they have, the worse the "dealing with everyone else" problem gets... Sometimes it's the egos clashing, personalities clashing, or simply people who are more organized, dedicated and motivated versus people who aren't clashing, etc.. You've heard me rant about collaborating with talented undergraduate students. There is no denying that in every single "cool" projet that I've worked on, I had to deal with people. I can say that I've gotten much better at it, but my tolerance level isn't on par with Confucius. What drives me to keep going back for more is the times when things really work well. Those moements when everyone in the team really gets to show their talent off and produce somethig truly extraordinary. It's my drug of choice. However, the price of buying this drug is way higher than any drug people buy over the counter or on the streets. The price is time and patience. Those of you who know me well will know how much I value time. I hate wasting time. I hate other people wasting my time even more. Collaboration efforts end up testing my patience for others wasting my time... But, the effect of the drug must be truly something, cuz I just can't get off it... Until somebody comes up with a "creative result" rehab or something I don't see myself getting off of this drug no matter how painful the process is.... *SIGH* I'm a junky...

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Hey guys, could y'all do me a big favor? I happened to have submitted a remix to a contest held by Warner Brothers and Rumour has it that the more ratings and reviews my tracks get the better chance it has of actually getting some quality time with the judges (meaning they'll actually listen to my remix for more than 10 seconds) The contest closes on Monday or something.. so I'm asking all of you to please spare me 10 minutes to peep my remix, then leave your rating and review of the track.

Here's the instruction

  1. Go to to register ( I know it's a drag, but bear with me )
  2. Go to to listen to the original
  3. Go to for my remix. It's titled "We're in this love [ R U wit me or whut? mix ]" You can click on the "DOWNLOAD" link to download the high quality mp3
  4. when you're done, click on "RATE / REVIEW" to leave your rating and review. I'm not asking you to play nice, if you can tell me what you're not feeling, that'd actually be awesome.

It's a mainstream r&b influenced Hip Hop track, so it should be easy listening for everyone. (then again if you hate this genre you might puke all over the floor)

The MCs are just samples from a CD I have.... They rhyme about totally unrelated crap... so ignore them... -.-;;

much appreciated!!

p.s: The original is titled "We're in this love together" by the almighty Al Jarreau, a famous ol school kool r&b style jazz singer

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